Essential Oils 101
The Challenge
Finding an easy way to use essential oils that's quick and effective, especially if you've never used them before, or would like to expand your repertoire of tricks!
The Challenge Decoded
You can find essential oils in most drugstores, especially the popular and relaxing lavender. Read on for more...
Your Takeaway
I made this video for you-it's got my Top 3 easy tips for using essential oils today to help you feel more peaceful & healthy. And, a special invitation to a free online class that will show you countless ways to use essential oils for cleaning, balancing, and healing your home & life. Led by my friend, an amazing yoga teacher and power mom, Sarah, this class will run exclusively on Facebook, Monday-Friday, October 5-9. Here's what she has to say:
"An introduction to Young Living essential oils…from the comfort of your own home!
This class will cover the basics of essential oils and how you can use them in your everyday life! It will feature eleven of the most popular EOs in detail, but please feel free to ask about any other oils that have caught your attention. Please do not hesitate to post any questions you may have, I would like this to be as interactive as possible. The more questions, the more opportunity for great discussions!
If you have a more personal question, feel free to private message me and I will answer you one-on-one.
This event will occur on Facebook on the wall of this event page. You can check in to see posts throughout the day. I will make about three cluster posts with information each day! Feel free to pop in whenever it is convenient for you!"
Sounds great, right?! I can't wait, I'll be right there with you to learn from Sarah. If you're not "friends" with me on Facebook, just reply to this email and I'll get you invited to the event!